We are strategic allies for your risk management

We specialize in interventions that seek to improve people’s and organizations’ SECURITY through a holistic approach, especially in the DIGITAL, PHYSICAL, and PSYCHOSOCIAL aspects.

We are strategic allies for your risk management

We specialize in interventions that seek to improve people’s and organizations’ SECURITY through a holistic approach, especially in the DIGITAL, PHYSICAL, and PSICOSOCIAL aspects.

What we do

We improve the security of people and organizations through


We perform audits based on SAFETAG and offer light assessments such as risk modeling, data analysis and physical and psychosocial security diagnostics


We’ve provided training in holistic security topics for over 10 years, with both theory and practice in mind

Support for implementation

We work hand in hand with organizations to implement security measures adapted to your needs, mitigating risks in a sustainable way


Policy and protocol development

We develop and assist in the implementation of security policies to improve information management, device management, incident response, operational and physical security, psychosocial support, among others

Advanced technical services

We offer infrastructure vulnerability assessments, malware detection, forensic technical incident investigations, and develop applications. We also provide advice on technological infrastructure

We improve the security of people and organizations through


We perform audits based on SAFETAG and offer light assessments such as risk modeling, data analysis and physical and psychosocial security diagnostics


We’ve provided training in holistic security topics for over 10 years, with both theory and practice in mind

Support for implementation

We work hand in hand with organizations to implement security measures adapted to your needs, mitigating risks in a sustainable way


Policy and protocol development

We develop and assist in the implementation of security policies to improve information management, device management, incident response, operational and physical security, psychosocial support, among others

Advanced technical services

We offer infrastructure vulnerability assessments, malware detection, forensic technical incident investigations, and develop applications. We also provide advice on technological infrastructure

Some of our projects

Guides and manuals

Digital security (ES) and basic concepts, field coverage of electoral processes (ES), safety recommendations during international travel, among others.

Configuration tutorials

Step-by-step guides for the secure setup and use (ES) of tools to improve your digital security.

Software Development

Our local, multi-platform application that assists those who perform audits and other organizational security assessments, facilitating the data gathering and report generation.

We are active members of

We participate in communities like

We are part of the Secure it Forward program

Contact us

We invite you to contact us and learn more about our services




The fingerprint corresponding to our public key is:

2B1E A117 2F12 EC0A F4FB 64A3 5A9A E5CE 8B8C 7442

Join our mission to build a safer world!

We train people, communities and organizations

We help in the adoption of new tools

We improve individual and organizational security

We assist in the design and evaluation of processes

We facilitate the use of security tools